Thursday, February 27, 2020

Aztec Clay

When I stopped using so much that had chemicals in it (mind you, I am not chemical free still; even after 2 years into this. But that's more because my husband is resistant and it's easier to just go with the flow on some things rather than fight. I've been picking my battles), one of the things that I first changed was deodorant.

One of the reasons for changing to products with no harsh chemicals or more safe, less harmful chemicals is because of the connection of those chemicals to cancer and disruption of the body's hormones. Deodorant and antiperspirants have aluminum (among other chemicals) that presents a concern.

When looking into options for deodorant that didn't have that, I came across the need to 'detox' from these chemicals that have clogged up your pores in your armpits. If you don't, you are likely to experience harsh, painful rashes. I didn't want that, so I followed advice in a facebook group I was involved with and looked into Aztec Clay. It's said that the clay bonds with the chemicals and pulls them out of your body and skin.

Whether it actually does this or not, I don't know. I'm not a scientist. What I do know, is that my transition to natural deodorant was NOT painful. There were a couple days that I went without deodorant and I tried to be mindful of a lot of advice to not use natural deodorant right after you shave (not an issue for me now; I barely pay attention to that).

I did also choose a deodorant that was for sensitive skin b/c it contains no arrowroot and that seems to be an irritant.

To use the Aztec Clay:

I use approx 2 teaspoons/scoops of the clay in a plastic container
I mix in Raw Apple Cider Vinegar to the consistency of my choice
Some people put in essential oils to make it smell better b/c otherwise it smells like vinegar.

Put this on your armpits and allow to set there for 10-20 minutes (I started out with 10 minutes and then increased to 20).
To start out, I did this approximately 2-3 times per week.
Now, I do it much less often. Maybe once a month for my armpits.

FYI, you can use the same mask mixture and put on your face as well or instead. It's a great pore tightener and exfoliator!

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